Since its establishment, the Kenya Red Cross Society has been a consistent and effective partner to the government in the provision of humanitarian relief services. The society has been present at most incidences and disasters, providing emergency relief services. Presently, we work closely with the government in providing support on natural disaster management for areas affected by droughts, floods, and other emergencies.
KRCS is a multi-faceted organization, contributing to the improvement of health, the prevention of disease, and the alleviation of suffering. KRCS organizes, within the scope of the national plan, emergency relief services for the victims of disasters and also educates the population on on how to prepare for, and respond to, disasters.
A large part of the work done by KRCS involves promoting the volunteering services of children and youth in the work of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. At the same time, it promotes the Fundamental Principles of the Movement in order to develop humanitarian ideals. Furthermore, KRCS recruits, trains, and assigns such personnel as are necessary for the discharge of its responsibilities and cooperates with the Public Authorities to ensure respect for International Humanitarian Law.
Get insight and precise information on our work anywhere and everywhere you go.
The KRCS app (THE PULSE) will link you both with the organization and with other app users from around the world.
* Through this app you can:
- Receive emergency alerts
- Call an ambulance (Emergency medical services – Eplus- Ambulance)
- Donate blood and or sign up to become a blood donor to help save lives
- Get instant information and news about KRCS, its activities, as well as comment and send feedback
- Apply for membership to the Society, open to everyone
- Enroll in, as well as get, information on courses offered by KRCS Training school
- Get updates on current events
- Be informed about specific projects carried out by KRCS
- Buy KRCS merchandise
- Book a room at any of the Boma Hotels in Kenya
- Sign up to become a volunteer for KRCS and engage in various organizational activities
KRCS是一个多层面的组织,有助于改善健康,预防疾病,和痛苦的减轻。 KRCS组织,国家计划,紧急救援服务,为灾难受害者的范围之内,并灌输关于如何准备和应对,灾害的人口。
- 接收紧急警报
- 呼叫救护车(紧急医疗服务 - Eplus-救护车)
- 献血或注册成为献血者,以帮助挽救生命
- 获取有关KRCS,其活动的即时信息和新闻,以及评论和发送反馈
- 申请会员资格的公会,向所有人开放
- 报名参加,以及获得的信息由KRCS培训学校提供的课程
- 获取时事更新
- 被告知有关KRCS开展具体项目
- 购买商品KRCS
- 在任何一个博马酒店在肯尼亚的预订
- 注册成为KRCS志愿者,从事各种组织活动